JPMorgan, Micro Focus and Majid Al Futtaim Enter the Low Carbon Patent Pledge for Climate Solutions
shot by IP News Shots / 5:36 pm on 08 October, 2021
JPMorgan Chase & Co., Micro Focus International plc and Majid Al Futtaim Group have entered the Low Carbon Patent Pledge to counter climate change. The action will make patents available freely to those who are using low carbon technologies. A total of six organizations have joined the pledge till now since the launch on Earth Day 2021 to encourage low carbon technologies and collaborative innovation.
Industry: Banking/Financial Services, Others, Retail, Software | News Category: Announcements | Type of IP: Patent
Read more at PR Newswire
Unified Patent Court to be Launched in 2022 in Germany
shot by IP News Shots / 5:18 pm on 30 September, 2021
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection announced that it had agreed to the rules governing the European Union’s Unified Patent Court system. The move was announced on September 27th that sanctioned the protocols for the UPC system. It is designed and to allow patent disputes in the EU to be adjudicated in a single case before one court. The Germany Federal government expects that the court will be functional by Mid-2022. Christine Lambrecht, Germany’s minister of justice and consumer protection, said in a statement that, “The Unified Patent Court will come.”
Industry: Others | News Category: Announcements | Type of IP: All
Read more at Law360
IP Owners Association Wants Biden Administration to Condemn Brazil’s COVID Vaccine IP Waiver Decision
shot by IP News Shots / 6:52 pm on 26 August, 2021
The Intellectual Property Owners Association has urged the U.S. administration led by President Joe Biden to condemn the passing of a bill by Brazil which allows the temporary waiver of COVID-19 intellectual property rights. The group asserts that the passing of the bill will immediately have an adverse effect on the vaccine research across the globe.
Industry: Pharmaceuticals | News Category: Announcements | Type of IP: Patent
Read more at Law360
EA Takes Open Patent Pledge for Some of its Technology
shot by IP News Shots / 7:02 pm on 25 August, 2021
Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) has announced that it is willing to share five of its patents with anyone that is willing to use them especially developers with disabilities. The patents that the company is open to share relate to accessibility-centred technology. It is expected that more patents will be added to the list apart from the five that are already made open.
Industry: Entertainment | News Category: Announcements | Type of IP: Patent
Read more at Yahoo Sports
Pilot Program Introduced by the ITC for Interim Initial Determinations in Section 337 Investigations
shot by IP News Shots / 5:39 pm on 17 May, 2021
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has introduced a pilot program allowing interim initial determinations (ID) by Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) in Section 337 investigations. As per the program, the ALJs will be able to hold hearings and receive briefings before the main evidentiary hearing is held so that factual records can be fully developed for the resolution of disputes.
Industry: Others | News Category: Announcements

Brazil Reduces the Term of Several Medical Device and Pharma Patents
shot by IP News Shots / 6:41 pm on 14 May, 2021
The Brazilian Supreme Court has released a landmark ruling that a debatable provision of the nation’s patent law, which guarantees a minimum 10-year post-issuance term was not constitutional. The court has now decided which rights will lose protection after the ruling.
Read more at: https://www.iam-media.com/law-policy/brazil-shortens-term-of-thousands-of-pharma-and-medical-device-patents
Industry: Healthcare Equipment & Supplies, Pharmaceuticals | News Category: Announcements