Federal Court Mulling over Sanctioning USF for Casting Doubts on Government’s Damages Expert’s Knowledge and Experience
shot by IP News Shots / 6:52 pm on 03 September, 2021
The US Court of Federal Claims is irked and considering sanctioning the University of South Florida (USF) over its remarks against the Government damages expert in a patent case. The USF asserted that the damages expert in the case is not experienced and knowledgeable enough to help the court. The court judge found the university’s statements to be ‘egregious misstatements’ in the case revolving around a patent for genetically modified mice.
Industry: Biotechnology, Life Sciences Tools & Services | News Category: Litigations | Type of IP: Patent
Read more at Bloomberg Law
Healixa Acquires AWH’s Patents and Other IP
shot by IP News Shots / 6:49 pm on 18 August, 2021
Healixa Inc. has announced the acquisition of patent and trademarks for Atmospheric Water Harvesting technology. Notably, this clean water technology can harvest potable water straight from the atmosphere nearly anywhere on earth.
Industry: Life Sciences Tools & Services, Others | News Category: Deals - Acquisitions | Type of IP: Patent, Trademark
Read more at PR Newswire
CAFC Affirms USPTO’s Rejection of Stanford University’s Patent Application
shot by IP News Shots / 4:52 pm on 12 March, 2021
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) affirmed a decision by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to reject a patent application by the Stanford University. The patent office had rejected the application for patenting an idea relating to computing systems for genetic analysis. The USPTO found the idea to be abstract as it was a set of mathematical formulas that cannot be patented under the precedential Alice ruling.
Read More at: https://www.law360.com/articles/1363909/fed-circ-axes-stanford-s-genetic-analysis-patent-as-abstract
Industry: Life Sciences Tools & Services | News Category: Litigations

Axsome and Veeva Join Hands to Work on DCC Platform
shot by IP News Shots / 5:50 pm on 05 November, 2020
Axsome Therapeutics Inc. and Veeva System Inc. have entered a strategic partnership to enhance Axsome’s Digital Centric Commercialization (DCC) Platform. The platform is being developed for the potential launch of two differentiated CNS investigational medicines, set to come out next year. The platform will use Veeva’s cloud platform and technology.
Industry: Life Sciences Tools & Services | News Category: Deals - Other Collaborations

HealthStream Launches Resuscitation Specialty Sims in Partnership with AORN
shot by IP News Shots / 6:21 pm on 30 October, 2020
HealthStream Inc. has announced a partnership with the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) to launch their Resuscitation specialty sims, that are simulation-based scenarios that allow healthcare professionals to practice cardiac arrest response within their specialty environment in combination with their own foundational resuscitation knowledge. The resuscitation specialty sims are US patent approved and the first specialty area to be launched is Operating Rooms (OR).
Industry: Life Sciences Tools & Services | News Category: Deals - Other Collaborations