CAFC Rejects Sensormatic’s Appeal, Won’t Undo Delaware Court’s Patent Invalidity Ruling
shot by IP News Shots / 6:58 pm on 15 July, 2021
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) has rejected an appeal against the patent invalidity ruling by the US District Court for the District of Delaware. The court had invalidated five patents belonging to Sensormatic Electronics LLC which it had asserted against Wyze Labs, Inc. in a patent infringement case. The patents were invalidated as the company could not prove they covered eligible subject matter.
Industry: HVAC | News Category: Litigations
Read more at Law360
US ITC Judge Rules Google Nest and Others Don’t Violate EcoFactor’s Patent Rights
shot by IP News Shots / 6:05 pm on 21 April, 2021
A judge of the US International Trade Commission (ITC) has stated that Google Nest, Alarm.com and several other manufacturers of smart thermostats do not violate the patent rights belonging to EcoFactor. Other details of the judge’s findings, however, have not been divulged in the notice published on the agency’s website.
Read more at: https://news.bloombergtax.com/international-trade/google-alarm-com-win-first-round-in-spat-over-smart-thermostats
Industry: Hardware & Equipment, HVAC | News Category: Litigations

ITC to Investigate on Complaint against Google, Honeywell and Siemens
shot by IP News Shots / 6:50 pm on 31 March, 2021
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has begun investigation in a patent infringement case based on a complaint by EcoFactor, Inc. The plaintiff asserts infringement of its patents by Google LLC, Honeywell International Inc. and Siemens AG. EcoFactor wants to have an injunction ordered on further infringement by the alleged infringers.
Read More at: https://news.bloombergtax.com/international-trade/smart-thermostat-dispute-will-be-probed-by-u-s-trade-agency
Industry: Household & Personal Products, HVAC | News Category: Litigations

Google Seeks Declaration of Patent Non-Infringement from California Court
shot by IP News Shots / 7:36 pm on 03 March, 2021
Google Inc. has filed a lawsuit in the California federal court intending to seek a declaration that it has not infringed patents belonging to EcoFactor Inc. The patents relate to smart thermostats and HVAC systems and EcoFactor is asserting the same in a complaint with the US International Trade Commission. As per Google, EcoFactor is asserting infringement of four patents via technology developed by Google’s Nest Labs.
Read more at: https://www.law360.com/ip/articles/1360422/google-looks-to-freeze-energy-co-s-thermostat-ip-claims-
Industry: HVAC | News Category: Litigations

Disruptive Battery Signs Agreement with PureBiotics
shot by IP News Shots / 11:00 am on 17 November, 2020
Disruptive Battery Corp. (DBC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Manganese X, has announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with PureBiotics to acquire a 50% equity stake in the company. The manufactured product will be a US-based air quality control delivery system. Notably, the environmental air solution will incorporate the US patented disinfection apparatus system which is designed to circulate air disinfection agents (ADAs) using a building’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) distribution system and also offer PureBiotics proprietary proven safe & effective biological solutions for air and surface environmental control for healthier buildings and homes.
Read more at: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/manganese-x-subsidiary-signs-definitive-081500264.html
Industry: HVAC | News Category: Deals - Other Collaborations